How Long Does CoolSculpting Last? And Other Questions Answered

You’ve changed your diet and upped your workout routine with high hopes of getting into shape.

But no matter what you do, you still have a few stubborn bulges that refuse to go away — and that keep you from looking and feeling your best.

You’ve heard about CoolSculpting, but want permanent results and are wondering, “How long does CoolSculpting last?”

Read on to learn about the results of CoolSculpting and if CoolSculpting treatment is a good option for you.

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How Does CoolSculpting Work?

Approved by the FDA in 2010, CoolSculpting is a non-invasive way to remove fat cells within the body. 

Also known as cryolipolysis, CoolSculpting custom contours your body by freezing away hard-to-remove pockets of fat, eliminating up to 25% of the targeted cells. 

A 2015 study, published in the Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, found CoolSculpting to be a safe and effective method of fat reduction.

How does CoolSculpting work?

  1. A gel pad is placed over the application site to protect your surrounding skin.

  2. The targeted area is vacuumed into an applicator and then cooled to below body temperature.

  3. The cooling process numbs the area, meaning no anesthesia is needed.

  4. Next, the area is gently massaged to stimulate the breaking down of fat cells.

  5. Your body then gently and naturally expels the cells for several weeks.

Because fat freezes at a higher temperature than other parts of the body, CoolSculpting is safe, leaving nearby skin and tissues unharmed.

Depending on the part of the body being treated, a CoolSculpting procedure generally takes from 35 to 45 minutes.

And great news: there is typically no recovery time needed following a CoolSculpting procedure.

What Results Can You Expect From CoolSculpting?

So, how fast will you see results following your CoolSculpting treatment?

The outcome of your procedure will not appear immediately since it takes some time for your lymphatic system to clear the frozen fat cells.

Depending upon the area you had treated, you should start to see a visible reduction in fat in as little as 3 weeks.

But generally, the most dramatic improvement will appear in around 2 to 3 months, with final results evident in 6 months. By this time, around 90 percent of the fat cells that were targeted will have been eliminated.

Depending on the results you're after, you may need to schedule an additional CoolSculpting session.

How Long Do CoolSculpting Results Last?

The goal of a CoolSculpting treatment is to reduce an area of fat and permanently remove it from your body.

Once fat cells are killed by CoolSculpting, they are gone for good.

CoolSculpting results are intended to be long-term, and the results of your treatment should last indefinitely.

If you are wondering, “How long does CoolSculpting last,” the fact is, the longevity of your CoolSculpting results will depend on several factors, including your: 

  • Eating habits

  • Exercise routine

If you gain weight in the area that was treated, new fat cells can form.

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Does Fat Come Back After CoolSculpting? The Cold, Hard Truth

No, fat does not come back after CoolSculpting.

However, CoolSculpting only removes 20-25% of the fat cells in an area, so any remaining fat cells can grow in size if additional weight is gained.

Does CoolSculpting Last Longer for Some People Than Others?

CoolSculpting works well for both men and women and is the perfect tool to help you look and feel better. 

But CoolSculpting does have its limitations.

The ideal CoolSculpting patient is someone who:

  • Lives a healthy and active lifestyle

  • Has reached, or almost reached their weight-loss goals

  • Has stubborn areas of fat that have not responded to exercise or diet

  • Does not have a compromised immune system

  • Does not have dermatitis, eczema, or other skin problems

  • Is not pregnant

  • Does not have excessive scarring around the desired treatment area

If you are considering CoolSculpting, you will want to consult with your doctor ahead of time, to ensure that you have a realistic expectation for your CoolSculpting results.

Schedule an appointment today with the doctors at Barnett Dermatology to find out if CoolSculpting is right for you.


Do CoolSculpting Results Last Longer Based on the Area of the Body Treated?

The short answer is yes.

While CoolSculpting results are permanent, the occurrence of future fat in the treated area will depend on several factors, including the patient’s:

  • Diet and lifestyle choices

  • Body type

  • Parts of the body where they most easily gain weight

  • Genetic make-up; and

  • Age

As an example, when some people gain weight, the first noticeable change they experience may be an increase in the fat around the waistline, breasts, or under their chin.  

And the areas where you gain weight first will change as you age. 

Postmenopausal women and middle-aged men both tend to easily gain weight in their midsections.

Remember, CoolSculpting only removes up to 25% of the target cells. 

So, while the specific fat cells that were removed by your CoolSculpting treatment are gone forever, if you gain weight after your treatment in one of these areas, the remaining cells may expand.

Sticking with healthy diet and lifestyle choices is critical in maintaining your optimal CoolSculpting results.

Does CoolSculpting Last Longer Than Other Methods of Fat Reduction Treatment?

You may be wondering, “How long does CoolSculpting last compared to other methods of fat reduction?”

Since CoolSculpting destroys the targeted fat cells, the results are permanent. 

So as long as you maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle, you shouldn’t need any additional CoolSculpting treatments.

Let’s take a look at the outcome of liposuction and cavitation, as compared to CoolSculpting:

  • Liposuction is a permanent method of fat reduction. However, it is an invasive, surgical procedure that involves anesthesia, cutting, and stitching. As with CoolSculpting, you must follow a healthy diet and pattern of exercise following liposuction to maintain the initial results.

  • Cavitation is a procedure that utilizes ultrasonic radio waves to break apart fat cells. The fat cells are then absorbed into your body by your lymphatic system. The results of cavitation are permanent, as long as the patient maintains a healthy diet and exercise. 

Ultimately, the results from CoolSculpting, liposuction, and cavitation are permanent.

The doctors at Barnett Dermatology can help you decide which type of cosmetic treatment is the best option for you.


6 Factors That Can Extend the Life of Your CoolSculpting Results

It makes sense that you want your CoolSculpting results to last as long as possible. 

Here are our top 6 suggestions for extending the life of your CoolSculpting treatment.

#1: Lose Weight Before CoolSculpting

It is important to realize that CoolSculpting is not a weight-loss treatment.

Instead, CoolSculpting is a fat reduction treatment.

Since, when you gain weight your fat cells expand, the results of CoolSculpting will be the best when a patient is already close to their target weight.

Losing weight prior to having your CoolSculpting treatment can help you experience the optimal results, and one of the best ways to lose weight is by creating healthy habits.

A 2010 study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology found that it takes 66 days to form a habit.

So, taking the time to create healthy habits, such as … 

  • Eating healthy foods

  • Exercising regularly; and

  • Getting adequate sleep

… prior to CoolSculpting, can help you maintain your desired results. 

CoolSculpting may be just the motivation you need to start — and maintain — healthy habits.

#2: Schedule a Follow-up Session

Once you have your initial CoolSculpting treatment, you will want to schedule a follow-up session.

Between 30 and 60 days is the best time to do a second CoolSculpting session, as this timing can take advantage of the body’s inflammatory response in the fat cells, and thus enhance the effectiveness of your CoolSculpting treatment.

#3: Visit a Reputable Medical Clinic

Let’s face it: 

A $50 Groupon for cryolipolysis is not the same as a CoolSculpting procedure.

CoolSculpting is not only proven to be more effective, but it is also the only FDA-approved cosmetic fat-freezing procedure.

The dermatologists at Barnett Dermatology are board-certified by the American Board of Dermatology.

With over 24 years of combined experience in dermatologic and cosmetic surgery, they are experts in guiding you to the fat-reduction method that is perfect for you.

#4: Exercise Regularly

Exercising after CoolSculpting will not only help keep new fat cells from forming but can help promote lymphatic drainage after your CoolSculpting procedure.

Taking the time to exercise regularly following CoolSculpting means you can start seeing results faster.

#5: Eat a Healthy Diet

If you don’t have a healthy diet and expect your CoolSculpting results to last, you will be setting yourself up for disappointment.

Maintaining healthy eating habits is one of the top ways to maintain your CoolSculpting results for a long time. 

Limiting processed foods and sugar, and including foods such as … 

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables

  • Healthy fats; and 

  • Grass-fed meats

… will go a long way towards helping your CoolSculpting results to last as long as possible.

#6: Schedule CoolSculpting Check-Ups

Finally, depending upon the area of treatment, some patients like to have maintenance check-ups a few times a year.

This allows your doctor to review your CoolSculpting results to make sure they are still meeting your expectations.

Schedule a CoolSculpting Consultation With Barnett Dermatology Today

At Barnett Dermatology, we know that getting your body into shape can be a difficult task.

If you are tired of fighting stubborn pockets of fat that don't respond to diet or exercise, CoolSculpting may be for you.

With over 24 years of combined experience, the physicians at Barnett Dermatology are experts when it comes to helping find the type of fat reduction treatment you need to help you feel the very best. 

Call us today for your FREE evaluation.