What Is the Best Acne Spot Treatment? Your Guide to Gorgeous Skin

It happens to us all.

An unassuming pimple suddenly goes rogue. 

You slather it with an acne spot treatment, but it still erupts into an angry, irritated pimple the size of Mount Vesuvius.

What did you do wrong?

If you're wondering how to choose the best acne spot treatment, you've come to the right place. 

Keep reading to learn about acne, spot treatments, and how dermatologists can help you banish breakouts and uncover your natural glow.


What Is an Acne Spot Treatment?

“Acne spot treatment” may refer to:

  • Concentrated acne treatments designed to treat an active acne breakout quickly; or

  • Procedures used by licensed dermatologists to reduce or eliminate acne scarring

Depending on your skin type and the type of acne you have, you’ll want to select a very specific treatment. 

Let’s start by taking a look at the best acne spot treatment for:

  • Sensitive skin

  • Scars and dark spots; and

  • Combination skin

What Is the Best Acne Spot Treatment for Sensitive Skin?

The best acne spot treatment for sensitive skin will be one that is non-drying and contains: 

  • Salicylic acid

  • Glycolic acid, or  

  • A low dosage of benzoyl peroxide

What Is the Best Acne Scars and Dark Spots Treatment?

Finding the best acne scars and dark spot treatment will vary by individual and depends on the type of scarring you are treating.

Different types of acne scars include: 

  • Ice pick: These are deeper than they are wide and have jagged edges. They may look like a large, scooped-out pore.

  • Boxcar: These are broad rectangular-shaped depressions that have steep, defined edges.

  • Rolling: These are broad depressions with sloping, rounded edges. 

Acne dark spot treatments and scars are best handled by a licensed dermatologist and may include:

  • Steroid injections: Not only do steroid injections immediately reduce the inflammation of an existing pimple, but cortisone can also help soften thick scars, such as keloids, making them have a flattened appearance.

  • Dermal fillers: Some scars may be filled with dermal fillers, such as hyaluronic acid. This procedure elevates the depressed areas, eliminating shadows and making the surface appear more even.

  • Laser treatments: While they do not eliminate acne scars completely, laser treatments can improve their appearance. This procedure involves a very slight burning of the tissues surrounding the scar, and does not work well for those with darker skin tones.

  • Punch Excisions: Best for ice pick scars, punch excisions are not recommended for individuals with skin that may be prone to hyperpigmentation. During this procedure, your dermatologist numbs the area and then uses a tiny device to cut out the scar. The opening is then closed with a single, tiny stitch that's removed in less than a week.

The licensed dermatologists at Barnett Dermatology are experts in acne spot treatments of all types. Call us today to schedule your free evaluation.


What Is the Best Acne Spot Treatment for Combination Skin?

If you have combination skin, you understand how tricky it can be to keep it under control.

Too oily and some spotswhile dry and flaking in others

Individuals with combination skin will want to look for an acne spot treatment that combines oil-taming salicylic acid with botanicals to help give their skin the balance it craves.


3 Types of Acne and How Each Should Be Treated

Choosing the right acne treatment for your face depends on the type and severity of your acne. 

While the best way to determine what type of acne you suffer from is to visit a licensed dermatologist, these are the three basic types of acne:

  1. Mild noninflammatory acne: Also known as comedonal acne, this includes blackheads and whiteheads

  2. Moderate inflammatory acne: Includes pustules and papules

  3. Severe inflammatory acne: Includes cysts and nodules

While over-the-counter products can usually clear up noninflammatory acne, putting an end to inflammatory acne requires topical or oral prescriptions from a dermatologist. 

Let’s take a closer look.

#1: Mild Noninflammatory Acne

Noninflammatory acne includes whiteheads and blackheads. 

  • Blackheads are open comedones and are caused when a pore is clogged by dead skin cells and sebum. Even though the base of the pore is clogged, the top remains open. The result is the distinctive black color you see on the skin’s surface.

  • Whiteheads are closed comedones and result from a pore being clogged by dead skin and sebum. However, in the case of a whitehead, the top of the pore closes, resulting in a tiny bump on your skin. Whiteheads can be trickier to treat because the top of the pore has already closed.

Blemish Spot Treatment for Mild Noninflammatory Acne

Comedonal noninflammatory acne doesn't typically cause swelling and often responds well to over-the-counter acne spot treatments

Products containing salicylic acid are sometimes a good acne spot treatment for mild noninflammatory acne. Salicylic acid gently and naturally exfoliates the skin and removes the dead skin cells that can cause whiteheads and blackheads. 

Topical retinoids, such as Differin, may also give good results. However, in some situations, it will be necessary to visit a dermatologist for prescription-strength retinoids.

#2: Moderate Inflammatory Acne

Moderate inflammatory acne includes pimples that are red and swollen, also known as pustules and papules. 

Sebum and dead skin cells contribute to inflammatory acne. However, bacteria also play a nasty role. 

Bacteria clog pores and cause infection beneath your skin that is not only painful  — but can also be hard to get rid of, in the form of:

  • Papules: Papules result when the walls around your pores become compromised by severe inflammation and breakdown. The result is clogged, hardened pores that are tender to the touch. Typically, the skin around papules is pink.

  • Pustules: Pustules also are the result of the breakdown of the walls around your pores, but as their name implies, pustules are filled with pus. Pustules protrude out of your skin and are red with yellow or whiteheads.

Blemish Spot Treatment for Moderate Inflammatory Acne

Hydrocolloid dressings, or “pimple patches,” are a type of bandage that can help to quickly get rid of pimples while also curbing the urge to pop them. The patches are placed over pustules overnight – for one to two nights — to dry out the pimple.

Benzoyl-peroxide is another common acne spot treatment for moderate noninflammatory acne. Benzoyl peroxide helps reduce swelling and kills bacteria within the skin. It also proves helpful in removing excess sebum. 

Your dermatologist may also prescribe a topical or oral antibiotic, in addition to benzoyl peroxide.


#3: Severe Inflammatory Acne

The most severe types of acne are nodules and cysts.

  • Nodules result from untreated clogged, swollen pores and are deeper under the skin than papules and pustules 

  • Cysts may develop when your pores become clogged by a combination of: 

    • Bacteria

    • Dead skin cells; and 

    • Sebum

Cysts occur far within the skin — ever deeper beneath the surface than nodules — and can be extremely painful to the touch. 

Cysts are considered to be the most severe form of acne and typically result from a severe infection and are the most likely to leave scarring.

Blemish Spot Treatment for Severe Inflammatory Acne

Due to their depth beneath your skin, severe inflammatory acne will require prescription medication from a dermatologist and cannot be treated at home.

Sotret, an oral prescription medication made from a form of vitamin A, is frequently prescribed. Sotret is taken daily for 4 to 6 months and can treat and prevent cysts and nodules by decreasing the size of the oil glands within your pores.

In some serious cases of severe inflammatory acne, a dermatologist may need to surgically remove a cyst.


How Do You Get Rid of Acne Spots Fast?

If you want to get rid of acne spots quickly, try an acne spot treatment that contains AHAs (alpha hydroxy/glycolic acid) and BHAs (beta hydroxy/saylcylic acid).

These mild exfoliants may reduce the appearance of uneven pigmentation and scars. Visit a licensed dermatologist for the best advice on the fastest way to get rid of acne spots.

What Can I Expect From My Acne Spot Treatment?

Be patient with your acne spot treatment. Some treatments work immediately, while others may not result in improvement for several months. 

Be cautious about using too many acne products at once, as it can result in dry skin — which makes your pores create extra sebum, causing more acne issues.

How Long Does it Take for Acne Marks to Go Away?

Depending on the type of acne spot, treatment results may be almost immediate or may take up to 12 months or longer. 

If you are concerned about acne scars, talk to a professional dermatologist to find out what they recommend.

How Do Dermatologists Get Rid of Spots?

While there are many types of acne and treatment protocols, dermatologists may use the following acne spot treatments: 

  • Dermabrasion

  • Laser skin resurfacing

  • Chemical peels; or

  • Professional microdermabrasion

Let Barnett Dermatology Help You With Acne Spot Treatment and All Your Other Skincare Needs

If you’re serious about finding the proper acne spot treatment for you, you will want to see a licensed dermatologist so that you can get an accurate diagnosis.

The physicians at Barnett Dermatology, have over 24 years of combined experience and are experts in identifying and treating all types of acne.

Our goal is to help you look and feel your very best.

Call us for your free evaluation.

Dr. Channing R. Barnett, M.D.